Privacy Policy

Last Modified: 20th November, 2023

The protection of your privacy is of particular importance to us, the PowerApps24 Landau4Consulting GmbH in Germany. Furthermore, it is important to us that you know, at any point, when we store your personal data and how we use it.


What is this Privacy Policy about?

The details provided in this Privacy Policy shall provide you with information about when and how we collect personal data relating to you during your use of the websites and service under the domain ”Powerapps24”, in particular the services pertaining to connecting candidates and clients, as well as the services available to Powerapps24 club members (hereinafter “Services”), and about how we use this data.

What is personal data?

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A person is identifiable, if the person can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number, an email address, a photograph, a phone number or a mailing address.  

Who is responsible for processing your data? is responsible for processing your data. The CNIL is the lead authority for all personal data processing implemented by PowerApps24.

What kind of personal data does PowerApps24 collect?

We collect and process the following categories of data:


Candidates’ data

  • Personal Information: last name, first name, date of birth, gender, phone number, email address, profile picture, location
  • Data related to working life: current position, employer, degrees, diplomas, training, professional experience, skills, curriculum vitaesector of activities
  • Additional Information: LinkedIn Id, LinkedIn profile content
  • Data related to the legal structure (if applicable): company name, legal form, identity of the company’s legal representative, legal documents, national identification number  
  • Financial Information: billing information, accounting contact, bank details
  • Connection data: user ID, IP address, statistical data on browsing, operating system, referring URL (address of the website visited before accessing our website), name of your Internet service provider, browser and type of device used, screen resolution, language and time zone settings, cookies
  • Data relating to your use of our Services: content uploaded on our platform, amount of data transferred, history of your communications and messages, access status (content transmitted, not found, etc.), comments, notices, notes, date and time of the requests

Clients’ data

  • Personal Information: last name, first name, date of birth, gender, phone number, email address, profile picture, location
  • General Information about the company: sector of activity, number of employees, legal structure, company logo, profiles sought, company needs
  • Financial Information: billing information, accounting contact, bank details
  • Connection data: user ID, IP address, statistical data on browsing, operating system, referring URL (address of the website visited before accessing our website), name of your Internet service provider, browser and type of device used, screen resolution, language and time zone settings, cookies
  • Data relating to your use of our Services: content uploaded on our platform, amount of data transferred, history of your communications and messages, access status (content transmitted, not found, etc.), comments, notices, notes, date and time of the requests


‍PowerApps24 club members’ data


  • Personal information: last name, first name, email address
  • Data related to working life: current position
  • Connection data: user ID, IP address, statistical data on browsing, operating system, referring URL (address of the website visited before accessing our website), name of your Internet service provider, browser and type of device used, screen resolution, language and time zone, cookies



What is the legal basis for processing your data?

We process your personal data on the following basis:

  • Contractual obligations: PowerApps24 processes most of your personal data within the framework of the contract that you entered into when you registered on the website either (i) by accepting our general terms for the Services pertaining to connecting candidates and clients (if you wish to consult our general terms of services again, you will find them at Terms Of Use – PowerApps24), or (ii) by accepting the general terms for Services offered to PowerApps24 club members (if you wish to consult our general terms of services again you will find them at  Terms Of Use – PowerApps24 ). Thus, all data that you communicate to us during the creation and management of your profile as well as the data necessary for the creation, follow-up and billing of an assignment and the communications that we send to you, in connection with our Services or relating to your account are processed on the basis of this legal basis.
  • Legitimate interest: We consider that it is in our legitimate interest to process your data to enable us to provide you with the Services in the best possible way.
  • Consent: We may also seek your prior consent in order to process certain data, for instance for the use of your profile picture on commercial media materials or to store your banking data. In addition, if you have not yet subscribed to our Services or are no longer a user of our Services, we collect your personal data exclusively on the basis of your prior express consent.
  • Legal obligations: We process certain data because of legal obligations imposed on us, for example to meet the requirement of traceability of our operations.  


How does PowerApps24 use my personal data?

PowerApps24 collects your personal data for the following purposes:

  • The creation and management of your account;
  • Use of the Services, e.g. to put you in contact with other users of our Services (potential employers/candidates for a position);
  • To conduct marketing operations and send you advertising via email;
  • ​​For talen club members, to conduct marketing operations and send comparative analysis reports and advertising via email to the members who gave, and did not subsequently withdraw, their consent;
  • To ensure that you get the best possible user experience;
  • To provide you with personalized follow-up and to send you relevant communications in line with your needs or directly related to the Services (for instance, to introduce you suitable candidates or offer you to update/complete your profile);
  • Comply with our contractual obligations towards you: for instance, inform you about possible connection (offers, requests for a job interview) via platform, by email, SMS or telephone;
  • To inform you about our Services updates or similar services we provide;
  • To enhance and improve our Services and offer you new features adapted to your needs;
  • For statistical purposes (data are anonymized first).


Specific terms and conditions as per the registration of candidates on our website Powerapps24

When you register on our website, PowerApps24 asks you to fill in a number of personal details (mainly your contact details) but also to answer some preliminary questions regarding your job research (What type of work? Open-ended contract? Part-time? Freelance? Which city? Paris? Munich? Brussels? What position?). The purpose is to build your profile, but above all, to determine whether PowerApps24 Services can help you immediately.

These preliminary details are automatically processed in order to ensure that your research matches the Services we are able to provide in terms of sector, city, position, type of contracts. For instance, if you wish to work in a city or a country where we are not yet implemented, your registration will not be taken into account in order to minimize personal data we collect. You will however be able to submit your application at a later date.

Please feel free to contact us should you want further information or if you think our Services are likely to match your research.


Who are the recipients of my personal data?

We share the personal data we collect from you with:

  • Our authorized personnel  in the EU;
  • The other users of PowerApps24 Services (such as potential employers and/or candidates for a position) to whom you have accepted that we communicate your data, also have access to your data but only in the context of the Services pertaining to connecting candidates and clients ;
  • Our service providers which maintain, develop and host the Site, etc., and their line managers, within the limits appropriate to the tasks entrusted to them and only when strictly necessary for external processing needs, in particular for marketing and commercial operations;
  • The authorities, our insurers, lawyers, auditors or other third parties where it is justified by the legitimate interests of Powerapps24 to the extent allowed by the applicable law, or where necessary to comply with a statutory or regulatory obligation by which we are bound. In particular, your data may be transmitted to the competent authorities, at their request, in connection with legal proceedings, for the purposes of legal research and requests for information by the authorities or in order to comply with other statutory obligations.


For how long does PowerApps24 retain my data?

We retain your personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it has been collected.

As a general rule, when your personal data are no longer needed, we will ensure that they are erased or anonymised.


Does PowerApps24 use Cookies?

A Cookie is a small file sent by PowerApps24– like many other internet services do – to the user’s browser which is then stored on the user’s device in order to recognize the user when he/she revisits our website the next time. Such Cookie usually contains the name of the domain the Cookie originates from, the durability of the Cookie until it expires, and a value in terms of a unique number generated by a respective random generator.

Using such Cookies enables PowerApps24 to recognize the user, and to statistically record the use of the service as well as analyse it in order to improve it.

You can disable Powerapps24’s cookies on your browser as further described below, and the website can be accessed with cookies disabled, but the Service may not be usable or its usability deteriorated without cookies. Cookies that are already on the device may be deleted by the user at any time, manually or doing so via the settings of the browser. We want to point out, however, that using the Service provided by Powerapps24 may possibly be limited or not as convenient without Cookies.

Does Powerapps24 use analytics tools?

These tools allow us to obtain information about the actual use of our website by collecting data related to the number of visits and the behavior of users during their navigation.

This information is particularly useful to us in order to measure and improve the performance of our website. We may create aggregated anonymized data for advertising, market research, improving existing products and creating new services.

As part of this, Powerapps24 uses tools to optimise user experience by using cookies, text files, which are stored on the user’s device and which enable an analysis of the use of the Service by the user.

Users can prevent the installation of such cookies by a corresponding setting of the browser software. In this case, users will not be able to use the full functionality of the website.


Does Powerapps24 use Social Media Plug-ins?

We use elements from third parties including the social networks Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Xing and Whatsapp.

Suppliers of the said plug-ins are the companies Facebook Inc., LinkedIn Corporation and Twitter Inc, Xing SE and Whatsapp Ireland Limited or Whatsapp Inc.. Web page elements are e.g. buttons (so-called “social plug-ins”) or integrated content from the providers.

These plug-ins allow you to interact with social networks, trough so-called “share buttons”. Social networks also have the possibility to use these plug-ins for analysis or advertising purposes.

Practically, your browser establishes a direct connection to the server of the respective provider when you visit a page from our website that contains such a plug-in. Therefore, the providers gain knowledge that your browser has accessed the corresponding page of our website, and thus even though you do not have a profile with the respective provider or are not logged in at the time. This information (including your IP address) is transmitted by your browser directly to a server of the respective provider in the USA and stored there.


If you are logged into your profile, the respective provider can directly assign the visit to Powerapps24’s Service to your profile.

For details on the purpose and extent of the data collection and the further processing and use of the data by the providers as well as your related rights and setting options for protecting your privacy, please refer to the privacy policy of each of the providers.

You would need to log out of each provider’s services if you want to prevent providers from directly associating the data collected through Powerapps24’s Services with your profile in that service. Finally, there is the possibility of completely preventing the loading of the website elements with browser add-ons.

Does Powerapps24 use Web beacons?

We currently contract with several online partners to help manage and optimise our Internet business and communications. We use the services of marketing companies to help us measure the effectiveness of our advertising and how visitors use our Website. To do this, we use Web beacons and cookies provided by the marketing company. A “web beacon,” is also called a web bug or a pixel tag or a clear GIF. Used in combination with cookies, a web beacon is an often-transparent graphic image, usually no larger than 1pixel x 1 pixel, that is placed on a website or in an email that is used to monitor the behavior of the user visiting the website or sending the email. This information helps us learn things about, for example, what pages are most attractive to our visitors and which of our services most interest our customers. If you do not wish to help us learn how to improve our site, products and offers, you can Opt-out of this by changing your browser preferences directly in the search bar by clicking the “padlock” icon 🔒, or by following these instructions.

Is my data secure?

We implement all appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the constant security, confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of our information system and of your personal data in order to prevent them from destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or unauthorized access.

Is my data transfered to a third country?

Our servers on which your data is stored and a large part of the servers of the service providers we use to exchange and store your personal data are located in Europe.

However, we may also transfer some of your personal data to countries outside the European Union where some of our service providers are located. We ensure beforehand that they comply with their data protection obligations and provide with an appropriate level of protection (i.e., contractual protective clause).

What are my rights in relation to Powerapps24?

You have a certain number of rights regarding your personal data. Each of these rights is explained in more detail below:

  • Withdrawal of consent. You can withdraw your consent to any processing of your personal data that is based on your consent at any time.
  • Access. You can ask us to confirm whether we are processing your personal data and, where appropriate, to inform you of the characteristics of the processing of your personal data, to allow you to access it and to obtain a copy.
  • RectificationYou can ask to rectify or complete your personal data if they are incorrect or incomplete.
  • Erasure. You can ask us to erase your personal data in the following cases: when they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected; you have withdrawn your consent; you requested restriction of processing; your personal data have been the subject of unlawful processing; or to comply with a statutory obligation. We are not obliged to grant your request to erase your personal data, in particular if such processing is necessary to comply with a statutory obligation or to exercise a right during a judicial proceeding.
  • Restriction. You can ask to restrict the processing of your personal data (i.e. ask that they be kept but not used) when: their accuracy is contested; processing them is unlawful, but you do not wish them to be erased; they are still necessary to exercise a right during a judicial proceeding. Requesting restriction of processing is subjected to the proof of imperative motives. We can continue to use your personal data following a restriction request: with your consent; to exercise a right during a judicial proceeding; or to protect the rights of any other natural or legal person.
  • Portability. You can ask us to provide you with your personal data in a structured format commonly used or readable by a machine, or you can ask for them to be transmitted directly to another data controller, but only if the processing is based on your consent or the performance of a contract entered with you and if an automatic processing is involved.
  • Digital inheritance. If you reside in France, you have the right to leave instructions (general or specific) on what should happen to your personal data after your death.
  • Objection to the processing of personal data on legitimate grounds. You can object to any processing of your personal data that is based on our “legitimate interests”. If you exercise this right, we have to cease processing your data, unless we are able to prove the existence of legitimate and imperative grounds for doing so that prevail over your fundamental rights and freedoms, or to exercise a right during a judicial proceeding.  
  • Objection to the processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes. You can also object at any time to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes.

You also have the right to file a complaint to the competent supervisory authority concerning the processing of your personal data. For Powerapps24, the lead authority for personal data protection is the CNIL (


Third-Party Websites

Our Service may contain links or references to other websites outside of our control. Please be aware that this policy does not apply to these websites. We encourage you to read the privacy statements and terms and conditions of linked or referenced websites you enter. These third-party websites may send their own cookies and other tracking devices to you, log your IP address, and otherwise collect data or solicit personal data.


Children Under the Age of 16

Our Service is not intended for children under 16 years of age, and we do not knowingly collect or use any personal data from children under the age of 16. No one under the age of 16 may provide any information to or on the Service. If we learn that we have collected or received personal data from a child under the age of 16, we will delete that information. If you believe we might have any information from or about a child under the age of 16, please contact us at privacy@Powerapps24.

Revisions to Powerapps24’s Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this policy at any time. Any changes we make will be posted on this page:  Privacy Policy – PowerApps24

If we make material changes to how we treat your personal data, we will notify you.

Your continued use of our Services after such amendments will be deemed your acknowledgement of these changes to this policy.

The date this policy was last revised is identified at the top of the page.


How do I contact Powerapps24 regarding data privacy aspects?

If you have any requests, questions, or suggestions related to data privacy, please direct your request to privacy@Powerapps24. We look forward to hearing from you.



Powerapps24 Landau4consulting GmbH

Bahnhofstraße 21

86415 Mering, Germany

For all personal data processing activities carried out by these entities, the CNIL is the lead authority.